Red-Black BSTs – Creative Problems

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Balanced Trees
Red-Black trees
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Creative Problems

  1. Certification. Add to a method is23() to check that no node is connected to two red links and that there are no right-leaning red links. Add a method isBalanced() to check that all paths from the root to a null link have the same number of black links. Combine these methods with isBST() to create a method isRedBlackBST() that checks that the tree is a BST and that it satisfies these two conditions.
  2. Fundamental theorem of rotations. Show that any BST can be transformed into any other BST on the same set of keys by a sequence of left and right rotations.Solution sketch: rotate the smallest key in the first BST to the root along the leftward spine; then recur with the resulting right subtree until you have a tree of height N (with every left link null). Do the same with the second BST. Remark: it is unknown whether there exists a polynomial-time algorithm for determining the minimum number of rotations needed to transform one BST into the other (even though the rotation distance is at most 2N – 6 for BSTs with at least 11 nodes).
  3. Delete the minimum. Implement the deleteMin() operation for by maintaining the correspondence with the transformations given in the text for moving down the left spine of the tree while maintaining the invariant that the current node is not a 2-node.
  4. Delete the maximum. Implement the deleteMax() operation for Note that the transformations involved differ slightly from those in the previous exercise because red links are left-leaning.
  5. Delete. Implement the delete() operation for, combining the methods of the previous two exercises with the delete()operation for BSTs.