November 2nd, 2015
Classroom Salon – Videos 2.3 and 2.4
1. Describe the last column for each order-of-growth.
2. Give the code for each of the order-of-growth classifications:
constant, logarithmic, linear, linearithmic, quadratic, and cubic.
3. Give the description and example for each of the order-of-growth classifications.
4. Which of the following order-of-growth classifications represents the maximum number of array accesses used to binary search a sorted array of size N?
a. constant
b. logarithmic
c. linear
d. linearithmic
Theory of Algorithms
1. What is Big Theta used for?
2. What is Big Oh used for?
3. What is Big Omega for?
4. Explain the differences and similarities between the three different sum programs and the three Big notations.
5. What are the 2 caveats mentioned int he video?
Complete posted assignments